
Welcome to Lucretia's Daggers' Fan Feedback page! Here are some comments, quotes, suggestions, etc. from our fans about their experiences at our shows and listening to our CDs. To submit your comments, etc. for consideration, please email us at and include your name as you would like it to appear. Thanks for reading and contributing!

"Mass. Morgue 2005: Local Dark Rock Halloween Event,"
Sky Bar, Somerville, MA, 10/30/05

Photo by Larry Manning


What fans say of LD's performances:

"With vocals reminiscent of Susan Ann Sulley and Joanne Catheral of Human League, Lucretia's Daggers is the next logical progression of post punk experimental sound."
- Jason MacDonald

"This band has taken all the right cues from the masters of dark electronic music and are keeping the essence of the Goth tradition introspective AND [it's] danceable."
 - Brian Viglione, drummer, The Dresden Dolls

"I think your song 'Lost Lovers' has some SERIOUS radio potential. You might want to think about pitching it to the majors."
- Anderson Mar, Independent Boston-based Music Promoter

"Every time I see them, they just keep on evolving. On stage Lucretia kicks serious gothic ass while the Daggers slink along like a mechanized creature. I think we have reason to fear this band."
- Steve Robot: Guitarist/Programmer RobotZen

"You're on the same wavelength as Kurt Weill with 'The Horrors of Retail'.'Retail is so lame' has the sound of 'Surubaya Johnny,' 'The Black Freighter' or anything from Three Penny Opera. Great stuff!"
- Dan of Mass. Morgue 2004

"Do yourselves a great favor, see these guys if you get a chance. I must confess to being enchanted by the Fae Spirit of Miss Lucretia."
- Yust Lundberg

"I just saw you all for the first time at the Sky Bar, and I especially liked the song about working in retail; that's some funny shit. Rock on."
- Jay

"Seeing them live recently, Lucretia's Daggers unexpectedly hit me with memories of listening to X-Ray Spex and the New York Dolls. Add keyboard to that mix and you have a very interesting hybrid of retro 70's glam punk, and 80's synth pop with 90's riot grrrl vocals."
- Leah Callahan


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What fans say of LD's CDs:

"Sad Flower Songs is your best yet. Far better than most Dark Ambient being produced right now. I can't stop singing or humming "Lost Lovers" over and over. The tech stuff is also vastly improved It's highly polished and professional. This one is a breakthrough. I'm so impressed. All Hail LD!!!!!!"
- Gerry Fallon-Griffin, jewelry designer for Lucretia's Daggers

"After more listening, the CD gets better! The song "The Sickness" is one of my favorites! What a cool song... [Lauri's] voice is fantastic and the lyrics are great. The CD is in heavy rotation in my player on the way to work."
-Andrew Berlet, LD's initial guitarist

"Musically, it's fascinating; a lot of delightful unexpected and interesting twists and turns in it. It doesn't sink into cliché mode. I think whoever mixed it did a great job.  It doesn't get boring, and it makes me want to listen to it again." 
-Lisa Alexander

"My other guitarist Deb and I are sitting here listening to your clips and this is what she said: 'I like her stuff and this stuff is so marketable.' I agree."
- Duane DeVein and Debra C, Coven of 13

"'Fallen Moon' is a rare, wonderful, captivating song that you could just sit and take a bath in. 'Sacrifice' is scary and hypnotic. I like both ends of the spectrum."
- Tony (qtbutt)

"'Sucker/Savior' is awesome!"
- Warren Lynch, Producer of Boston cult film, Pony Trouble (Boston cult film featuring "The Horrors of Retail" and "Dust" by Lucretia's Daggers)

"I'm feeling 'Fallen Moon,' love the beat, and [Lauri's] voice is awesome. I'm lovin' the intro to 'Eb and Flo'; [her] voice rides out the song nicely. Love the lyrics to 'Sucker/Savior,' too."
- Matt Foley

"The lead singer of this band, Lauri Murphy, is a little mini-skirted, torn-stockinged Goth imp, and, big treat for me, her voice is reminiscent of one of my favorite all-time females Poly Styrene [of X-Ray Spex]. I went to their web site and read Lauri's lyrics while I listened to this gem of a CD."
- Tom/Tas/Kaiser Ape

"I bought one of your CDs at the RobotZen show last week. I wanted to tell you that it is really good. This may offend you, but I describe it as a cross between the Velvet Underground and the Damned. It was surprisingly good."
- Joel Smith

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